Art Basel Miami Beach

December 2 – 4, 2021

Blum & Poe is pleased to present a selection of paintings, sculpture, and works on paper—contemporary creations alongside those dating back as far as the 1970s. In addition to featuring artists who have long been at the heart of the gallery’s program, the presentation also highlights new relationships and upcoming exhibitions with works by Alvaro Barrington, Thornton Dial, Lonnie Holley, Eddie Martinez, and Umar Rashid.

Alma Allen
Theodora Allen
March Avery
Darren Bader
Alvaro Barrington
Robert Colescott
Thornton Dial
Sam Durant
Aaron Garber-Maikovska
Tomoo Gokita
Sonia Gomes
Mark Grotjahn
Ha Chong-hyun
Julian Hoeber
Lonnie Holley
Yukie Ishikawa
Matt Johnson
Friedrich Kunath
Kwon Young-woo 
Mimi Lauter
Tony Lewis
Florian Maier-Aichen
Eddie Martinez
Paul Mogensen
Dave Muller
Kazumi Nakamura
Yoshitomo Nara
Umar Rashid
Kishio Suga
Alexander Tovborg
Zhu Jinshi
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